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Vision & Mission


A happier & prosperous world where Individuals not only manage their emotional health effectively leading to joy & improved productivity , but also collaborate with fellow humans to contribute towards higher purposes & a life of abundance.



At Karma Goals, we are highly driven towards  :

  • Unlocking Self Potential : 

We envision a world where individuals prioritise their emotional well-being to unlock inner strength & resilience.Our vision extends beyond simply managing emotional health; it encompasses the realisation of each individual’s full potential. 

  • Creating a Ripple Effect : 

The impact of our vision extends far beyond the individual.As individuals experience greater emotional well-being and fulfilment , they radiate positivity & compassion. This in-turn uplifts people around them , creating a ripple effect of positive change.

Core Values

In the journey of Karma Goals, our real heroes are the team members and the volunteers who are the soul and brain of the initiatives . We call them warriors. 

Because they “ Fight for The Cause “. They take “ Actions “ to make things happen.

And The Acronym WARRIOR defines our Core Values, which are : 

WWisdom: To make morally right decisions while addressing the cause..
AAgility: To move quickly and efficiently to impact the cause. 
RResilience: Towards naysayers & disappointments and keep moving.
RReliability: So that others can trust & count on you in critical moments.
I  – Inspiring: The one who motivates others through their actions & words.
OOrganised: Execute in a planned manner, ensuring timelines for impact.
RResourceful: To adapt, improvise & innovate to address the noble cause.


Our core philosophy is – Someone cannot do everything , but everyone can do something.

The core word here is  “ DO “ . That is , take Actions . With a Sense of URGENCY. The same kind of urgency that we give to our work , studies , and other priorities.

The compassion &  ideas mean nothing if not backed by action. Hence , all our volunteers take prompt actions by giving introductions / time / skills / money etc